Interested in trying aerial arts but unsure if it's right for you? Have a question about our class policies? Browse our FAQs below and send us an email if you don't see your question listed here!

I don't workout. Can I take an aerial class?

Most likely, the answer is YES! Our Introduction to Aerial Arts series are designed for total beginners and our teachers have years of experience working with newbies. If you have any health issues or injuries or are pregnant, you should check with your doctor before coming to aerial class.

Is there a weight limit for aerial classes?

No! Our equipment is rated to handle thousands of pounds of weight, so we do not have a weight limit.

What should I wear to aerial classes?

We recommend tight-fitting clothes (like yoga pants and leotard or tight-fitting shirt) that cover the back of your knees and your armpits. You might be going upside down, so make sure your shirt won't go upside down with you! We require bare feet for most of our classes, but you are welcome to wear socks during warm-up. And please make sure to remove all jewelry, watches, piercings, and zippers before getting on our equipment so you don't damage it. We also don't allow long nails or nails with any bedazzling.

My child is interested in aerial. Where can he/she start?

We offer kids' classes! These run in 8-week series, so check our schedule for more information.

Is aerial safe?

Just like any physical activity, aerial comes with a certain degree of risk. However, we take a very proactive approach to ensuring that risk is minimized as much as possible. We purchase equipment from reputable vendors, we inspect our equipment regularly (you can always ask to see our equipment and inspection logs!), we utilize mats, and we train our teachers to use spotting techniques and progressions to safely work with students in the air. We hold a safety certification from the American Circus Educators. We also post our safety rules on our wall, require teachers to be certified in first aid and CPR, and have regular teacher training sessions to make sure our instructors are always growing and learning.

Can I just show up for a class or series?

At this time, we do not allow drop-ins. You must register and pay for classes and privates in advance. You can find our schedule here.